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Adorer Reference Guide and Policies

Open Sunday through Friday • 6:00am-12:00am // Saturdays • 6:00am-4:00pm

St. Catharine Church

Eucharistic Adoration Chapel

Adorer Reference Guide

Dear Adorer: Thank you for answering this call from Jesus to adore His Real Presence in the Eucharist. Because of you, our Adorers, we are able to have Eucharistic Adoration for any and all persons wanting to make a shorter visit to be with Jesus. By saying yes to Him, you join the line of people that stretches through the centuries, from the stable in Bethlehem in the company of the angels, shepherds, and Magi through all of history to this day.   

We Adore Him

We use We Adore Him to manage our Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. Manage and make changes to your account at any time at http://stcatharine.weadorehim.com/

Refer to the video at https://stcatharine.weadorehim.com/en/help for a brief overview.

Arrival and Check-In

How early should I arrive for my scheduled hour? 

Please arrive at least 5 minutes in advance. If you’re early, you’re on time.

How do I get into the Adoration Chapel?

Enter the exterior doors of the Atrium off of the back parking lot or the entrance on Gould Rd. The Atrium is the large windowed A-frame structure attached directly to the Church.

Do I need a code or key to get in?

You do not need a code or key at this time.

Where do I check in?

There is an iPad kiosk located outside of the chapel. Simply click your name to check in each time you visit.

How do I spend my Hour at Adoration? What should I do while I’m there?

Let the Holy Spirit guide you. This is your personal time with Jesus. There are no set prayers. After entering church, genuflect on one knee or two, if you cannot genuflect, a simple bow is sufficient. You may offer a prayer of Adoration to begin your Holy Hour. You may sit or kneel. Spend this time contemplating that you are in the presence of God. Converse with Him. You can read Scripture or spiritual books, journal, pray the rosary or spend time just talking with Jesus. It’s not about what you do, but who you are with.

Do I need to check out when I leave?

No, you do not need to check out.

What happens if the person scheduled after me does not show up?

  • It is critical to remember that JESUS CAN NEVER TO BE LEFT ALONE under any circumstances.
  • Do not leave until the next scheduled Adorer or their substitute arrives.
  • If the next scheduled Adorer(s) do(es) not arrive, please stay as long as you are reasonably able. Otherwise, please call them. 
  • The phone numbers of scheduled Adorers who are "late" (not already checked in) and those in the upcoming hour can be found on the sign-in kiosk outside the chapel.
  • If you do not reach them, and there is no Adorer present who can stay until another Adorer arrives, please call the dedicated adoration number at 614-810-7447 to reach the Adoration Coordinator.


While you should make every effort to spend your hour with the Lord each week, we know your schedule will change and things come up. But it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure that your sub request is answered.

Should I request a substitute every time I am unable to make it?

No, not in every instance. You will notice that when you click Request Substitute, you’ll see this message: “These adorers have adoration commitments that intersect with yours. If you cannot make your commitment, please check with these adorers before requesting a substitute.”

This is to prevent our substitutes from being overwhelmed with requests, especially if there will already be other Adorers there anyway. Some of our Adorers would love an extra hour with our Lord.

  • For hours with two (2) or more Adorers (including yourself), you do not need to request a sub. You can simply contact the Adoration Coordinator, Brendan O’Rourke, at brendan@stcatharine.com and we will delete that particular date for you. This will prevent our substitutes from being overwhelmed with requests, and it will enable us to know that you will not be there.
  • For hours with two (2) or fewer Adorers (including yourself), please request a sub via one of the methods below.

How do I request a sub?

  1. You can simply ask a friend or family member to sub for you. This is a great way to spread love for Jesus in the Eucharist to people who are not dedicated Adorers.
  2. This person should either a.) sign in as you or b.) sign in as a guest and indicate they are subbing for you.
  3. Online with at http://stcatharine.weadorehim.com/ under My Dashboard, click Request Substitute. It’s that easy.
  4. Call our dedicated Adoration number at (614) 810-7447 and request a sub from our automated system.

How far in advance should I request a sub?

Please request a sub as soon as you are aware of your schedule conflict. A minimum of 6 hours is needed, but 48 hours or more is preferred.

What if I’m simply running behind and need to contact other Adorers?

Go to http://stcatharine.weadorehim.com/ under My Dashboard and My Commitments click on “View 7 other adorers”, for example.

This will display the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of other active Adorers having an adoration commitment 1 hour before, during, and 1 hour after their own adoration commitment. You could also set up an email/text chain with the Adorers in your hour if you wish.

What if I have to delete my commitment?

We ask for at least a two weeks email notice to brendan@stcatharine.com before deleting a commitment completely. We know that this can often be just for the Summer, for example, and that is another great opportunity to invite someone to cover your hour for the entire Summer.


  • If we have to close the chapel for any reason we will alert you via your preferred method of contact on We Adore Him.
  • In case of an emergency please call the Adoration Coordinator who can be reached at (614) 810-7447
  • In case of a true medical or safety emergency, please call 911

Inclement Weather

  • In the event that we suspend Adoration commitments, you will be notified via text message or email.
  • If Franklin County is under a Level 2 or Level 3 Snow Emergency, Adoration commitments are always automatically suspended (even if you don't hear from us).
  • All other circumstances will be decided as soon as possible on a case by case basis; and with your safety as our primary concern.
  • If you do not feel safe driving for any reason, please stay home.
  • Call our Adoration Number: 614-810-7447 or brendan@stcatharine.com 

Chapel Customs

  • Jesus can never to be left alone. Ever.
  • No talking. Please maintain a sacred silence. Adoration is a peaceful, private time for each person.
  • Electronic devices are to only be used for prayer and Scripture or spiritual reading, or for emergency purposes.
  • Please place phones on do not disturb, as vibrating alerts can still be very distracting to you and others.
  • Expect to leave a different person because you have just encountered the Living God, Jesus Christ.

All Other Questions

Please contact the Adoration Coordinator, Brendan O’Rourke, at brendan@stcatharine.com or you can call our dedicated Adoration number at (614) 810-7447. To easily add this phone number to your phone, request a vCard (it's like an electronic business card) by texting “vcard” to the (614) 810-7447, which makes it much easier to recognize this phone number later. We also suggest adding http://stcatharine.weadorehim.com/ to your bookmarks and home-screen of your phone.

adoration frequently asked questions

When is the Chapel open for Adoration?

  • Sunday - Friday: 6:00am -12:00am
  • Saturday: 6:00am-4:00pm

How do I get into the Adoration Chapel?

You can enter the exterior doors of the Atrium off of the parking lot or from Gould Rd.

The Atrium is the large windowed a-frame structure attached directly to the Church.

You do not need a code or key for the Chapel.

What is Eucharistic Adoration?

Eucharistic Adoration is spending time with Jesus Christ who is truly present, Body, Blood and Soul in the Holy Eucharist. The consecrated Host is displayed in a holder called a monstrance for adoration.

Who can come to Adoration?

Everyone is welcome to come before Our Lord Jesus Christ during Eucharistic Adoration. Invite family, neighbors and friends to join you. Your joy with the Lord may be what others are looking for.

How long must I stay?

There is no set amount of time that one must stay at Adoration. Please feel welcome to drop-in to say a quick hello to Jesus. Do not underestimate the graces that will come from any visit.

What does it mean to be a Committed Adorer?

Adorers commit to adoring Jesus for an hour or more once a week. This is crucial since Jesus displayed in the monstrance must never be left alone. These Adorers enable us to have Eucharistic Adoration for any and all persons wanting to make a shorter visit to be with Jesus!

How are faithful adorers' hours scheduled and how long is the commitment for?

Each adorer determines which hour is best for him or her, and we never assign hours to anyone. An hour that fits you well will help you keep your commitment. You can sign up any time on our We Adore Him page at http://stcatharine.weadorehim.com/

Can I change my hour?

Yes. People move and some people just want or need a different time. It is incredibly easy to manage your We Adore Him account at http://stcatharine.weadorehim.com/

What happens if our schedules change or we go on vacation? While you should make every effort to spend your hour with the Lord each week and try to be reliable to others in your hour, we know your schedule will change. Your We Adore Him account at http://stcatharine.weadorehim.com/ allows you to request a sub. It is your responsibility to ensure that your sub request is answered, so please make sure you request one as soon as you know you will not be available.

What happens if the person scheduled after me does not show up?

If you are willing to stay, you are welcome to stay. If you need to leave, please call the Adoration Coordinator whose number will be listed in the chapel. Be assured, the likelihood of this happening is nearly impossible.

How do I spend my Hour at Adoration? What should I do while I’m there?

Let the Holy Spirit guide you. This is your personal time with Jesus. There are no set prayers. After entering church, genuflect on one knee or two, if you cannot genuflect a simple bow. You may offer a prayer of Adoration to begin your Holy Hour. You may sit or kneel. Spend this time contemplating that you are in the presence of God. Converse with Him. You can read Scripture or spiritual books, journal, pray the rosary or spend time just talking with Jesus. It’s not about what you do, but who you are with.

As Father John Ricardo says, “Just waste some time with Him.” If God was not behind the veil of the Eucharist, what would you do? Christ says we are no longer servants but friends, so simply spend some time with your friend. He loves you and is calling you.


If you have further questions about the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, simply click the button below and get in touch with our Adoration Coordinator, Brendan O'Rourke, or email brendan@stcatharine.com

Photos courtesy Brad Feinknopf